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Main term display

This help page explains how to interpret the elements which appear in the main display of terms in the UK Archival Thesaurus. Other help pages describe how you can Search UKAT, Browse A-Z and Browse by hierarchy.

Each preferred and non-preferred term which has been incorporated into UKAT or submitted to UKAT (including candidate terms and rejected terms) has a page which displays its full details. You can access these pages via the lists of terms that are output when you search or browse the Thesaurus. For an explanation of the distinction between preferred and non-preferred terms, see Thesaurus basics

Main term display: preferred terms

The following elements will appear in a typical page for a preferred term. Not all of them will necessarily be present in every term: elements only appear where there is relevant information. 'Source', 'Microthesaurus' and 'Status' should always appear in the main display pages of terms whose status is 'pending' or 'approved' (i.e. terms which have been edited). For these terms, 'Broader term', 'Narrower terms', 'Related terms' and 'Scope notes' are optional. The pages for rejected terms and candidate terms will typically include fewer details than those for pending or approved terms.

Main term display: non-preferred terms

Main term display pages for non-preferred terms were added to the UKAT website in April 2004. They include a more limited set of elements than the pages for preferred terms. 'Source', 'Status' and 'Use' are mandatory, while 'Scope notes' is optional. 'Source', 'Status' and 'Scope notes' have the same functions as in the pages for preferred terms (see above). 'Use' indicates the preferred term (or combination of preferred terms) that should be used instead of the non-preferred term.

Please note that non-preferred terms may have a different editing status, and may have been submitted from a different source, than the preferred terms to which they relate.